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No matter how big or how small the job may be, you need Hot-see!

At Hotsy Carlson, we’re proud to offer a full line of products from the biggest names in industrial cleaning equipment. Our selection is unbeatable, but what really matters is the level of service you get the moment you walk into our doors, with insightful experience that translates into your success and satisfaction.


Pressure Washers

Our Hotsy cold and hot water pressure washers for sale aren’t disposable machines like you can get at a big box store. Instead, our power washers are designed for industrial use, made to last and perform for years.



Equipment is great, but what you put into them to achieve a true, safe clean is the big part. That's why we carry virtually every type of detergent solution for every possible situation or use. Especially given the state our country is in today!


Floor Cleaners

Hotsy Carlson offers a variety of models available in stock or you custom orders, such as self-powered, ride-on and push designs that give you versatility to clean any surface.



Warm up the room or workspace you need without wasting energy by taking advantage of radiant heating technology. Val 6 heaters provide heat efficiently and in areas where forced air heaters are less effective - warehouses, outdoors, through wind, rain, sleet, and snow. 


EvaporativeAir Coolers

We know it’s HOT in Texas! The ability to provide portable cooling in the summer can be critical to the health, safety and comfort of your staff and/or guests. Cooling air by vaporizing water, this vaporization cooling system emits no heat exhaust, is earth friendly and health-oriented.



Vapor-steam sanitizes and eliminates hazardous foodborne bacteria. With no chemicals and no wastewater runoff, dry vapor-steam is the most efficient cleaning solution for industries like food and beverage manufacturing, wineries and more.

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Water Reclamation

Why use water reclamation equipment? It’s important to protect local water systems and follow your local regulations regarding industrial wastewater and how to dispose of it. Many businesses are faced with confusing compliance issues and watershed regulations, yet are subject to fines and penalties for not complying.


Trailer Mounted Systems

Why use water reclamation equipment? It’s important to protect local water systems and follow your local regulations regarding industrial wastewater and how to dispose of it. Many businesses are faced with confusing compliance issues and watershed regulations, yet are subject to fines and penalties for not complying.

Pressure Washers
Floor Cleaners
Air Coolers

Pressure Washers

Client Testimonials

Sales Representative, Cristyn Gandy, introduced us to the Hotsy Carlson Company. Our trust in Cristyn sold us on you, but the level of products and service we have received exceeded expectation. We value our pressure washers here at Clayton Williams.  Ms. Gandy and your team have demonstrated understanding of the demands of this industry with a quality level of service.  

Through out our relationship we have trusted her integrity to service and her professional attention to details. We are pleased that the entire staff at the Hotsy Carlson Company demonstrates the same. It is a pleasure to do business with you.

Floyd Harmon / Senior Drilling Superintendent / Clayton Williams

I want to thank you for the positive, consistent, and informative customer service that you provide. You are always quick to follow up with questions that I have and provide extra information regarding webinars and other information that help keep me informed and knowledgeable of the products and the uses of products. 
Second, I want to tell you that the product that you recommended, Vital Oxide, has been a crucial part of our COVID-19 response at Brenham ISD. Although we have been using this product prior to the pandemic as part of the athletic training program cleaning procedures, Vital Oxide is now part of the cleaning procedures on every campus and every department in Brenham ISD since returning back to school for the 2020-2021 school year. Since Vital Oxide is food safe and non-corrosive, we are able to use this product in the weight room, on water bottles and coolers, on treatment tables, and even in laundering towels and uniforms. It is truly an all-in-one product for us making this a cost-effective choice. I feel good about using this product around children and feel that it has been a key factor in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, as evidenced by the low numbers of positive cases that have been reported in Brenham ISD. 
Thank you for your continued support and guidance through this time. 

Jamie Woodall / Head Athletic Trainer / Brenham ISD  in Brenham, Texas

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